Monday, 16 January 2012

Im alittle "hooked" ...

... As I mentioned in my last post I've been trying to teach myself to crochet. After buying the lovely book "Cute and easy crochet" I was inspired to try some of the simpler projects.
I gave the jam jar covers a go (excuse the colour combo, It's enough to put you off your dinner but I'm still in use it or lose it mode)

Any way I thought it came out OK, considering I'd only held a crochet hook for the first time a few days previous.

It was my Mum's birthday on sunday and I made this "dishcloth" for her. Again the colour combo has much to be desired, but I must say it's kind of growing on me...
Last night I started the bunting out of the Cute and easy book. So far I've finished 6 flags, but will do a few more then that will live out it's days in my living room... pictures to follow

as I mentioned it was Mum's birthday on Sunday. I made these felty earrings for her and carrot cake too.
The cake turned out lovely, I strayed from the recipe abit, as I didn't have all the required ingredients but I thing it was better for it. Filled with a sweet vanilla butter cream... I couldn't resist a 2nd slice!
Perhaps I'll bake one for my own birthday next month! hehe

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.

I hope to do another giveaway once my followers reach 20, just need one more!

Katie xxx

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