
Monday, 22 October 2012

Tutorial : Christmas Tree from milk bottle tops

O.k Ladies, here goes ...
My first tutorial.

This Christmas Tree decoration is really easy to make. My Nan made one of these for me a few Christmas's back and I really wanted to share this with you.
I hope you like it!

First things first.

You will need:
Green and red felt (or fabric)
26 plastic milk bottle tops
A scrap of card
A pencil and compass
Soft toy stuffing
A needle and strong thread
Hot glue gun
Buttons and twine for decoration.

Draw a circle measuring approx. 9 cm across, on your scrap of card.
Cut this out, it will be your template.

Using your template, cut 21 discs of green felt
5 discs of red felt.

Tie a knot in a length of thread. Using a running stitch, stitch around the edge of one disc.
Keep the needle attached, you will need this to sew in the ends.

Take the first bottle top and fill the middle generously with soft toy stuffing.

Place the filled bottle top upside down in the middle of your disc.

Pull the thread end tightly, to close up the disc around the bottle top.
Sew a few stitches over the opening to make it tight and secure.

Repeat this process with the remaining discs and bottle tops until you have 26 completed "puffs".
You should have 21 green and 5 red.

On a piece of green felt, lay out your puffs using the picture above as your guide.

The discs now need to be glued in place, using your hot glue gun.
Place your glue on the base of one disc and press it firmly into position. Take the next disc and do the same, but as you go, place a little blob of glue on the side of the disc already glued in place, to stick the puffs together as well as to the felt. This will help your finished decoration to be a little more ridged, otherwise it will be all floppy when you pick it up!

Once all the puffs are in place and the glue has cooled.
Cut around the Tree. This is usually easier to do from the back.
(Take care not to cut into your puffs!)

By now you should have your completed tree base.
Now It's time to decorate.
I've used buttons for baubles, secured in place with hot glue.

If you have one, thread a star button onto a length of twine.
This will be your hanger.
Knot the twine securely at the end.

Again, with your hot glue, secure the twine to the top, back of your tree.
Take a scrap of green felt and glue over the twine end.

Now your tree is complete and ready to hang.
I also wrapped a long length of twine around the red base of the tree and tied a bow in the front to finish.
(see first picture)

Advent Idea
This tree uses 26 puffs, but I did think it would make a nice advent calendar. Stitch a pretty design on one disc of green felt and embroider the others with numbers 1 - 25. Make up the puffs and secure together to make your tree. Use a decorative brooch or pin to count down the days.

I hope someone finds this useful. Start saving your milk tops!

Have a lovely week.

Love Katie


  1. Wow Katie - this is fab! Well done for getting ahead with your Christmas crafting. I plan to start as soon as we have celebrated Halloween. XX

  2. Clever Katie! What a great idea...simple (really) and cheap! And you've done a great tutorial. (Just not QUITE ready to get my Christmas hat on yet, though they are putting up the decs in Kings Lynn this morning.....)


  3. Oh I love this Katie! I'm definitely going to give it a try xx

  4. Very cute and what a great way to recycle too! I wish I had more hours in my day.....sigh :)
    xo Sandi

  5. I am so going to make this Katie. Please tell your Nan I think it's fab x

  6. What a great way of using up milk tops..just love it! Thanks for sharing :)
    Magie x

  7. What a clever idea! I doubt I will be able to collect enough milk bottle tops to make this by Christmas, but you have started me off on a whole new wave of inspiration... I'll let you know if anything comes of it :)
    aLittleBlonde x

  8. That's lovely! I will have a go. xxx

  9. How original and cleverly made......xx

  10. It looks great and I would never have thought of doing anything like that!

  11. That looks quite simple and a great idea from your Nan. I will have to find a source for milk bottle tops as we have cartons of milk!
    Sarah x

  12. Thanks for sharing ... this is brilliant ... off now to save all my bottle tops ... Bee xx

  13. What a great idea!
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great idea Katie - thanks for the tutorial!

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  15. Such a cute decoration, love the idea of using milk tops xxx

  16. What a cute idea, love it, you have inspired me to try making a similar one with my twin nephews (but without the felt as I'm not sure their sewing skills are too hot!~) xxxx

  17. love that tree! me and emma are going to attempt it! i'm such a bad blogger as i've not been on here for weeks!! Im going to rectify that asap. xxx

  18. What a great Idea, Katie! My kids will love it. Have a great weekend. Hugs Nicole

  19. This is really sweet!.. Hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  20. What a great idea. Looks lovely. I have just discovered your blog on Totally Tutorials and added myself to your list of followers. When you get a chance come and have a look at my blog: and sign up if you like our activities.

  21. This is a great idea. Thank you.
