
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Lucky me!
My dear friend Magie over at Teacups and Bunting was kind enough to award me with the Versatile Blogger award.
Thank you Magie!
If you haven't met Magie already, get on over to her blog (you can use the link above, so there is no excuse!) It's well worth a visit.

Anyway ... These are the rules..

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
  1. Let them know that you have nominated them.
  1. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  1. Thank the bloggers that have nominated you.
  1. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post

I have lots of "favourite" blogs that I visit all the time, but I still find it difficult when giving awards because most of my favourites already have them etc. So I've chosen some blogs that are fairly new to me (and some I know and love). I don't think I've made 15 yet though so perhaps I can add more as I discover them!
Here goes ...

Deborah @ Bee Happy design

(Amanda's is a brand new blog, do pop over there are show your support :-)

Gill @ Dosie Rosie

So now I suppose you want to know something about me?

I'll keep it short ..

1. growing up I always wanted to be an Archaeologist, but ended up a Beauty Therapist.

2. I have 15 tattoos (all done when I was a little younger but a lot sillier!)

3. My husband and I got married in a Windmill.

4. My son was born on Christmas eve (with my husband being "Joseph the Carpenter", perhaps if  Charlie was a day later we could have called him Jesus, hehe)

5. I LOVE history documentaries and period dramas.

6. My favourite book is Angela's Ashes By Frank McCourt.

7. I'm a big kid and LOVE LOVE LOVE animated films.

Well That's me in a nutshell.

Enjoy your bank holiday weekend everyone!
Love Katie xxx


  1. Thankyou for the nomination i will spend some time tomorrow finding blogs to award etc x

  2. Congrats on your award! Liked the fun facts too x

  3. Hello sweet Katie! Congratulations on your award! Thank you so much for giving it to me! You are a dear and I enjoy your lovely blog! It was wonderful to learn more about you sweetie! I love period dramas (no one can make them like BBC!) and animated films too! Did you see Tangled? I LOVED it! I hope you enjoy your bank holiday! Much love, Paula xoxo

  4. Hi Katie,
    Congrats on your blogger award, I came across your blog yesterday and really enjoy it!
    Kate at Creativeworld blog :)

  5. I love animated films too! And of course period dramas are the best kind xxx

  6. It's a well deserved award..I love your blog :) Do you know I wanted to be an archaeologist as well as a child..I just loved dinosaurs and thought that would be a great job.
    I also love period drama's and animated films (I don't think I will ever outgrow watching animated films either :P)
    How lovely to be married in a windmill :)
    It was nice to find out more about you..
    I hope you are having a nice long weekend..
    Magie x

  7. Well done on your award, well deserved and thank you so much for mine, means a lot :) x

  8. Congrats to you and Thank you too! You made my day!! Very much appreciated! RM xxx

  9. Hello Katie...I'm a very new follower on your blog. First of all well done for your reward. I also loved Angela's ashes and have also seen the film several times....her husband was such a pig and so selfish....and she had to put up with so much... yes a brilliant film. I enjoyed those bits about yourself...married in a windmill well that's definitely different!

    have a great day

    Amanda- I'm a Brit living in Spain
    Crafty in the Med

  10. Well done on your award! It is so nice to pop by other crafty blogs. It's funny you say Angela's Ashes is your favourite book, my Mom lived across the road from him and I live in the city, Limerick, he grew up in!

    I'm off to have a further nosey around your blog! *hello* from your newest follower! Hazel x
