
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Makes for Market #2 (the fun of the fair)

Well today was the Craft Market (my first ever!) and I really enjoyed it.
I sold a few bits, but most of it came home with me, which I don't mind at all.
All in all it was good fun.

Here is my modest stall.

I sat quietly behind my stall and done a little crochet to pass the time.
Every one was really nice and friendly. I've met some lovely people today.

Of course I couldn't leave a craft fair with out buying a goody.
So this sweet cake stand came home with me for the bargain price of £6.00. The stall was run my a husband and wife, they make cake stands and the most amazing jewellery from silver spoons and forks etc.

Thank you every one who commented on yesterdays pre-fair post.
All your comments mean so much to me!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Love Katie xxxx

(Oops ... Looks like these got missed off yesterdays post! Thanks four happy bunnies!!!!)

Friday, 25 May 2012

Makes for Market #1

Tomorrow I do my first ever craft fair.
I have never tried to sell anything that I've made before, so tomorrow is a test.
I've not blogged about what I've been making for some time, so here it is... this is what has kept me busy.

My husband kindly made this "twig" stand to hang the owls on...

... Peg bag and pincushions ...

... baby slippers and greetings cards  ....

... hair clips ...

... "Ha-peas" ...

... Brooches and Organic cotton make-up remover pads ...

.... coin purses ...

Fingers crossed

Have a super weekend

Love Katie


P.S I haven't had time to visit all the lovely blogs I follow just lately. If I've not "popped in" for a while, I promise I will soon. I've not forgotten about any of you! Lots of Love. x

Friday, 18 May 2012

From Shabby to Chic #2

I've been at it again ...

This time my bathroom mirror

and this book unit were the victims of my paint brush.

I've had the mirror for years and never really liked it, my husband brought it when he broke my favourite one! The book unit I brought recently, £5.50 off eBay (surprise surprise!)

Here they are now...

The mirror has been painted with a satin finish cream paint.

I've heard a lot about Annie Sloan's Chalk paint recently, so whilst my husband was enjoying his fishing holiday last week in Suffolk, I discovered there was a stockist nearby so sent him on an errand. (No Stockists in Norfolk!)

I used Old White to paint the book unit, I'm not really sure if I like this paint, I found it a little difficult to apply neatly and I think it's going to chip off easily.
Any body else used this paint?
What do you think?

Have a wonderful weekend,
Love Katie

Monday, 14 May 2012

Queen of Tarts

A couple of years ago, my Husband brought me this book, that accompanied the Great British Bake-off series on BBC.

I really love it and have tried alot of the recipes like, Jumbles and lots of other biccies , Carrot Cake, Treacle Tart, Cupcakes and now ...

Bakewell tart.

I had never made them before (although I've always been good at eating them!) purely because I thought it would be too difficult. How wrong I was!

With the help of my good friend "ready to roll" pastry, this was a breeze and really scrummy too.
(if I do say so myself!)

Happy Monday all!

Love Katie xx

Sunday, 13 May 2012

A Little Lemon

Sometime ago I told you about a friendship cake that was passed on to us.
Well a short while later we received a second one. (That must mean I have at least two friends! hehe)
I loved making the friendship cake and watching it happily bubble away on my windowsill but I didn't want to pass on a second cake, so I kept it all to myself!

The first time around I made the cake with apples, sultanas and spice.

This time I made one batch of Strawberry and white chocolate muffins (with yummy homemade jam). Then the rest went into lemon muffins and a little lemon cake.

I had my little helper ready to do some serious mixing (and spatula licking)

Share the love and share the cake, that's my motto.

Love Katie xxx

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

From Shabby to Chic #1

I think this may become a regular feature here ....

I've always loved the look of painted furniture and love the idea of customising pieces.
But I've never been brave enough to try it myself. My husband has painted one or two bits for me in the past (he's a carpenter so is good with that sort of thing.) But I really fancied giving it ago ...

so I have ...
I brought this sad looking bedside cabinet on Ebay (for the grand total of 99p!)
And I'm sure you'll agree it fits right in the category of "shabby"


Now for the Chic!

What do you think?
It's been sanded, primed and painted, it's had a shiny new knob and I've lined the shelf with some wallpaper from a Zoffany wallpaper book I acquired (I knew it would come in handy one day!)

I'm rather pleased with it myself. I had lots of fun painting it and I managed to keep the cost low. I did have to buy the paint and primer (but there's plenty left for other projects), the door knob was free from a stash my Dad had hidden way (thanks Dad!) and I brought the entire wallpaper book (it's huge and there is loads more scrummy designs) for £1.50 from my local Mini Scrapbox.


This little cutie has also come to live with us, Ebay purchase again, £3.50, it was already painted in this pretty blue shade. I think it's worth £3.50 of anyone money!
I love you little blue chair :) xxx

Any one else fancy joining me on my "From Shabby to Chic" adventure?

Love Katie xxx

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Lucky me!
My dear friend Magie over at Teacups and Bunting was kind enough to award me with the Versatile Blogger award.
Thank you Magie!
If you haven't met Magie already, get on over to her blog (you can use the link above, so there is no excuse!) It's well worth a visit.

Anyway ... These are the rules..

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
  1. Let them know that you have nominated them.
  1. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  1. Thank the bloggers that have nominated you.
  1. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post

I have lots of "favourite" blogs that I visit all the time, but I still find it difficult when giving awards because most of my favourites already have them etc. So I've chosen some blogs that are fairly new to me (and some I know and love). I don't think I've made 15 yet though so perhaps I can add more as I discover them!
Here goes ...

Deborah @ Bee Happy design

(Amanda's is a brand new blog, do pop over there are show your support :-)

Gill @ Dosie Rosie

So now I suppose you want to know something about me?

I'll keep it short ..

1. growing up I always wanted to be an Archaeologist, but ended up a Beauty Therapist.

2. I have 15 tattoos (all done when I was a little younger but a lot sillier!)

3. My husband and I got married in a Windmill.

4. My son was born on Christmas eve (with my husband being "Joseph the Carpenter", perhaps if  Charlie was a day later we could have called him Jesus, hehe)

5. I LOVE history documentaries and period dramas.

6. My favourite book is Angela's Ashes By Frank McCourt.

7. I'm a big kid and LOVE LOVE LOVE animated films.

Well That's me in a nutshell.

Enjoy your bank holiday weekend everyone!
Love Katie xxx