
Monday, 26 March 2012

Too many eggs ... ?

Is it possible to have too many eggs? Personally, I think not!

Lucky for me, there's a chocolate factory in a nearby town.
Said chocolate factory has a factory shop.
Said shop has.... lots of chocolate! (really?!)
Yes! and it's cheap as chips.

I am having a get together on Saturday, with a bit of an Easter theme, that means lots of  cakes decorated with lots of eggs!

(Did you notice my cheeky little teacup, peeping around the corner? That brings me onto my next topic....)

Too many buttons?

I had a little bit of a Charity shop crawl on Saturday.
I bagged myself a HUGE bag of buttons, as well as teacups, picture frames and this pretty tapestry mat. 

I also saw a lovely jigsaw puzzle of an antique map of Britain. I bought it of course. I thought it would look great framed. That means I will  my husband will have to assemble it first, all 1250 pieces of it!
What this space... 

I'll leave you with this garland I made. I mentioned it in my last post. Im not sure about it to be honest. 
In my head it looked fab, once I'd actually made it, not so fab. It's on trial, I'll keep looking at it for a week, then I'll decide it's fate. It may be taken down and pulled to bits yet.

Happy Monday to you all.
Hope your having a great day.

Love Katie xxx


  1. Hi sweet Katie! It is lovely to meet you! Thank you so much for visiting me and for your kind words! Your blog is beautiful and I look forward to following you sweetie! The pink eggs look yummy and I love your pretty teacup and dotty tin! One could never have too many buttons! You found some wonderful things! The garland you made is lovely. The hearts are perfect and sweet! I am learning to crochet and I love it! Love to you and I hope your Monday is a happy one! xo~Paula

  2. Hi Katie,
    Thank you for finding my site and introducing me to yours which is lovely and I will enjoy following.
    What a huge number of easter eggs you have,I love the colour.
    What are you going to do with the buttons? I found a shop last week that sold only buttons or things with buttons attached! They had used them on lampshades,in place of numbers on a clock and even had little ones hanging off a metal tree, I wish my camera had been handy.

  3. Hey katie, I found you thank goodness. Love your hearts, what else did you have in mind to do with them???
    Love the choc eggs and the buttons, I just bought more today, I am a push over for buttons, oh and I bought a covered dish from a charity shop, it sort of matches one that I already have.
    xx Sandi

  4. I agree, I don't think one can have to many chocolate eggs..especially when they are such a pretty pink colour!
    Yes, I spotted right away the is just lovely...
    The Easter theme get-together sounds like fun..have a great time.
    Wow, what a selection of buttons..great for crafty projects. Do share anything you make using them.

    Have a lovely day today..I hope you are getting some of the nice sunny weather where you are :)

    Ps: I like the garland, I think it looks nice there :)

  5. Hello sweetie,
    I love your garland. I was reading your previous posts and I love the little owls too. You are very clever.
    I also love your cute teapot and vintage bag. How I miss the UK chazza shops. OO, the bargains!
    No, you can't have enough eggs. I clearly don't have enough because the two bags I had have been eaten. No idea who by, honest! Wow, a chocolate factory. xxx

  6. ooooo buttons!!! lots and lots of buttons...drool...!!!!
